KEMIMOTO Kayak Paddle Holder Kayak Oar Holder for Fishing Kayak 2 Pack Kayak Track Mount Accessories Boat Paddle Holder for Fishing Kayak

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Best Way To Store Your Paddle: Our kayak paddle holder track mount has a distinctive roller design. The paddle pops right in and out with ease which allows you to easily access their paddles when needed.
Great To Save Space: Different from other paddle holders, our paddle holder for the kayak has two Installation Directions that can be used on one side, or placed on the sides to leave more room for other things attached to the track. You can choose different installation directions according to your needs.
Durability And Strength: These fishing kayak accessories are made from high-quality plastic that is strong and durable enough to withstand the rigors of use in water sports. Securely holds your paddle in place, even during rough waters or strong winds.
Ease of installation: There are two ways to install this kayak rail accessory. if your kayak has rails you can align the T-shaped screw with the kayak track, slide the whole base directly into the track, and tighten it. if your kayak does not have rails or does not fit can choose to drill holes for installation. When you don’t use it, loosen the thumbscrew, press, and hold the “press” button with your finger to separate the paddle holder.
Extremely Versatile: The size of this kayak paddle holder clip is 2.87*3.34 inches, just the right size compatible with different types of kayaks and paddles. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will provide you with the best solution in time.
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